Show Pigs & Show Steers
Success with Hogs

Grand Champion at the Gaines county stock show 2016. Shown by: Briana Foote Raised by Foote Farms Purchased by Foote Livestock

Champion York and Reserve Grand at the 2016
Battle on the Border. Shown by Briana Foote
Raised by Cooper and Flash. Purchased By Foote Livestock

Reserve Champion Poland at the 2015 San Antonio Stock Show
Shown by Kooper Bowen Jointly raised by Foote Farms and Foote Livestock
Recent Added to the Herd

Crossbred Gilt bought online from Rockin G Genetics Purchased by Foote Livestock
Currently being shown by the Milloy family in Seminole, Tx
Not Pictured
Chester gilt bought threw a private treaty purchase with Cooper and Flash. Currently being showed by the Bowen family

R U My Sister gilt purchased from Wintex farm. She is really starting to make her mark. In her first litter she raised The Grand Champion at the 2017 Gaines county stock show. That barrow went onand placed well at San Antoino